Cancun Airport Traffic, Delays and What to Know
What’s the buzz with all this Cancun Airport traffic delay’s and missed flights? Have you seen the videos of tourists getting out of their taxi’s, luggage in tow with little crying baby Timmy and 90 year old granny rolling along side a seemingly endless line of taxis and vans? That’s right, you heard correctly.
Cancun Airport is experiencing some major delays lately for 2 major reasons. The first reason is due to the recent uptick in travelers due to the growing demand for travel and tourism in the Riviera Maya which includes Cancun, Tulum, Playa del Carmen and Puerto Morelos; being some of the most popular destinations. Additionally, airlines have increased their flights to CUN airport resulting in more congestion. It’s also been reported that the infrastructure is not keeping pace with the growing demand resulting in increased delays.
The second reason is due to an attempt to solve this infrastructure issue which means… Construction… Roads near the airport have reduced to one lane each way in order to expand and create more lanes in order to keep up with the increased traffic of taxis and shuttles taking tourists to and from the Cancun Airport.
I think the city officials were a little caught of guard for the holiday rush and did not have traffic directors directing traffic which was when the above mentioned videos took place.
From what I’ve heard now is that there are traffic cops directing the traffic which has helped move everyone along and lessened these dreaded traffic jams. The last thing you want is to be stuck in traffic with a nasty Pina Colada hangover, stuck in traffic, praying that you make it to the gate on time.
Capt. Travis travel tip: You can easily check how the traffic is in real time by opening your iphone map app and zoom into the entrance of the airport and look for the red lines indicating a traffic jam. No lines means no traffic. If you see all red before the airport I would recommend leaving your hotel 4 hours before your flight. If you don’t see the red lines indicating traffic, normal airport practices will be just fine.
The exact length of the Cancun Airport’s construction period projected to last at least a year or more. Some other renovations underway to improve traveler experience includes the addition of modern escalators, expanding the restrooms as well as opening new shops and restaurants.
Another major update that is catching some travelers off guard is the new digital immigration process. You will no longer be handed a FMM or tourist card to be filled out on the plane. The days of the tourist card are finished. No more stamp with the barely legible 180 day written on it. Once you get off the plane, you will be directed to a large QR code that you will need to scan. Once you scan it, you will have to put in a bit of info and you will then proceed to the immigration stall where you will scan your passport and proceed. That’s it.. That’s the new system. Comment below if you have experienced this and can add more value to this blog post.
Despite of the construction and renovations, the Cancun Airport remains to be open with only minor inconveniences as a result of the necessary work that is being done. Don’t let any of this deter you from visiting this beautiful destinations with white sand beaches and clear turquoise waters.
If you have any questions about anything Cancun Airport and transportation related, please feel free to send me a message and I will gladly answer any questions. Also, we now have 4 vans and a Luxury Suburban for all of your transport needs.
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