Welcome to the first of many monthly fishing reports where captain Travis will summarize the past month of fishing here in cancun and Isla Mujeres.
January has been a bit of a slow month for us due to some high winds coming out of the north. Because if these high winds, we haven’t been able to get offshore as much as we’d like.. January is typically a bit on the windy side so we were expecting this.
January is also early sailfish season and we have been highly anticipating this time of year waiting for the sailfish to migrate from the North in search of warmer waters and also in search of a couple of their favorite menu items, the Sardine and Cigar Minnow. But again, due to the high winds, it’s been a bit difficult to get out to the sailfish grounds and we are hoping in the coming weeks that conditions will improve so we can get out there and start slayin some sailfish.
We have been also catching a few random mahi mahi which are way out of season. Summer time is mahi season but we still snag a few singles here and there year round.
We have also gotten into some wahoo in the southern fishing grounds and expect to catch some more in the coming month or two.
We have caught a few monster black grouper over 50lbs but have also straightened some hooks on some big boys that wedge themselves down in the rocks and caves which makes it impossible to get them up.

And of course we always catch plenty of barracuda and trigger fish which can almost always be guaranteed when reef fishing here.
Up north, near the sailfish grounds we have also come into some big Bonita around 20-30lbs that fight just like a tuna and will make a reel scream and will leave you begging for mercy after the third or fourth hook up.
All in all, January was a bit slow due to constant high winds and rough seas but we have a positive outlook for the coming months and hope to see some nice weather opening to get up to the sailfish grounds so we can find the bait and find the sailfish.
Remember when booking your sailfish trip, that if you really want a shot at landing one of these magnificent species, you will need a bare minimum of 6 hours, we recommend 8 hour trip to increase your chances at landing this bucket list fish!
That wraps up Captain Travis’ January fishing report, stay tuned for more updates coming soon! Don’t forget to follow on Facebook and Instagram @Donchingoncancun to see our daily catches! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Captain Travis with any questions you may have! You can also check out our Frequently Asked Questions to find the answers to some of our most commonly asked questions.
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